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Who We Are

The Medical Society of Prince Edward Island (MSPEI) represents approximately 400 physicians, retired physicians, and medical learners in PEI. Established in 1855, MSPEI is the second oldest medical society in Canada.


MSPEI leads, represents and supports PEI physicians. We are the united voice of PEI physicians, striving to help create a high-quality and sustainable healthcare system of which physicians and patients are proud.


Support physicians in growing their leadership abilities so they can have an even greater impact in improving how care is delivered on the Island;

Help create a healthy and resilient physician workforce through health and wellness programs and awareness;

Negotiate competitive compensation and administer member benefits to foster a positive and attractive place for physicians to work;

Work with government to:
Improve physician recruitment and retention;
Advance health innovation and technology, including introducing a high-quality provincial electronic medical record; and
Identify ways where physicians can have the greatest impact on population health (i.e. advancing public health issues).

Run an organization using best governance practices and with the highest degree of professionalism.

Meet Our Team

MSPEI Board of Directors
At the heart of MSPEI is a strong physician volunteer-based Board that oversees the work of MSPEI.
MSPEI Staff Team
Meet the dedicated team behind the work of MSPEI.